How to Clean a Colored Rug Properly

Any room in your house always looks nicer and cozier with a rug in it. The color of a rug can also add a nice decorative feel to your home. This is why it’s crucial to stay on top of rug maintenance and clean your colored rugs properly. However, when going about this there is […]
Tips on How to Clean Milk Spills on a Carpet

Keeping your carpet clean can be challenging for any homeowner. Not only does your carpet reflect on the overall cleanliness of your home, but it also adds to your overall home décor. While keeping your carpet spotless at all times is what you want, accidental spills are pretty much inevitable. However, how you get rid […]
Why Having Dirty Carpet is Unhealthy

Most people have at least some carpet in their home. The benefits are numerous. But how many people actually clean their carpet regularly? The answer is not many. A quick vacuum once in a while simply isn’t enough to clean deep in the fibers of the carpet. So what exactly are the health risks of […]
A Guide For Cleaning Wool Rugs

Wool rugs can be a great addition to homes that have hardwood floors, or any home for that matter. They can add a uniqueness to homes flooring that will look great everywhere. Unfortunately when it comes to cleaning your wool rugs most people don’t get it right. Either they don’t clean them properly or they […]
How To Clean Dirty & Old Linoleum Floors: Best Ways To Remove Stains

Linoleum floors are a popular component of many peoples homes and for good reason. They can give off a good decor and are not that difficult to clean and maintain, even the older ones. Speaking of cleaning, that is what we will go over in this article. We’ll share our years of experience and expert […]
Detecting Pet Urine in the Carpet With a Black Light: Urine Mapping

If you own your own rental property or rent someone else’s property, then you may be familiar with the term “urine mapping”. It’s a fairly common practice for landlords to use a blacklight to go around the premises and make note of areas on the carpet that have dog, cat or other pets pee stains […]
Cleaning Silk Rugs

Silk rugs add a touch of luxury to any room! The right model and the right color of silk rug creates a dramatic effect in the house, provided of course that it is clean and spotless, a dirty carpet will not make the same impression obviously! Silk rugs require special care because of the delicacy […]
Cleaning The Different Types Of Carpet By Material

A common question that people have is how to clean the different types of carpet depending on their material. Whatever the material of your carpet, it requires different cleaning methods. Its maintenance and cleaning will not be the same if it is made of wool, viscose, faux fur, cotton, bamboo silk or synthetic. Wool carpet […]
How to Clean Oriental Rugs

Oriental rugs are a popular option in a lot of peoples houses and for good reason. They go well in almost any room with many choices of color and patterns being available. They make a great addition to TV or family rooms with the soft fibers having a nice feel to them. While these type […]
Rug and Carpet Stain Tips

Rugs and carpets can get expensive depending on the types so it’s always important that when you happen to stain it that you take the necessary measures to prevent damage. Dealing with a stain can be difficult at times because there are many types and they need to be addressed in different ways depending on […]